How EPS can make your pay review easy

The annual pay review is a big task for hospitality businesses. But EPS, the leading people management system for hospitality, has a pay review module that can help you with it. It has three steps:

  • Pay review modelling: You can enter some parameters, such as the minimum wage rates and the pay increase, and EPS will show you the cost analysis reports of the pay review.

  • Pay review processing: You can set up and approve the letter templates for different contract types, and EPS will send them to the employees on the MyEPS app or keep them under their online HR record. When you open the pay review screen for your property, the system will automatically uplift employees to the new minimum wage, significantly reducing the need for manual data entry.

  • Pay review application: You can see and update the pay rates and salaries of your employees on the screen, and EPS will apply the changes and generate the letters.

The pay review module can save you time and effort, ensure accuracy and consistency, and enhance communication and transparency. It is part of the EPS package that you already have if you are a client. If you need any help with your pay review, please email our helpdesk. If you are not a client but would like to find out more about the system, please email us at



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